Animal Evac on The Cafe’

Watch  The Cafe’ on ThreeNow (on demand) to see Steve being interviewed today with iconic broadcaster Carly Flynn on how to get your animals ready for a disaster, thanks to Hills Science.

Picture: Carly and her puppy “Alfie” (source: facebook).

The interview is now available on-demand at ThreeNow. Animal Evac New Zealand also wishes acknowledge the support of Hills Science Diet for making this interview possible.

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Our last AENZ Foundation Course is scheduled for 28-29 November, in Wellington. Join the course to start your journey with Animal Evac New Zealand.

Or follow our facebook and sign up for our newsletter for news and updates on future courses.


We urgently need donations so we can be ready to respond to help animals in future disasters. Donate via Give-a-Little here.

We are grateful to our sponsors including D4H, Vector Wero, MBS Print as well as funding bodies including the Nikau Foundation and the Lion Foundation.

Regular Giving

We urgently need people who are able to give a small donation on a regular basis under our regular giving scheme.


If you are thinking about leaving us a gift in your Will, we welcome you to contact us or visit our website for further information.